our Ministries


The ROAR Men’s Ministry has been designed to address the unique challenges and needs that men may face in their personal and spiritual lives, while also promoting healthy masculinity, responsible leadership, and positive role models.

Topics may range from family and relationships to career and personal growth, all viewed through a spiritual or moral lens.

Ultimately, men’s ministry aims to help men become better husbands, fathers, partners, and community members by providing a space for them to connect with others, share their experiences, and grow in their faith and character.

It serves as a platform for men to support one another and develop a deeper understanding of their own identities and responsibilities within their faith and society.


The WOS Ministry was designed to address the unique challenges, roles, and experiences that women encounter in their daily lives, while also fostering spiritual growth, personal empowerment, and strong relationships with other women.

Topics discussed in women’s ministry can encompass a wide range of subjects, including relationships, family, career, self-care, identity, and service to others.

The goal is to provide a space where women can openly share their thoughts, concerns, and experiences while finding encouragement, support, and guidance from a spiritual perspective.

WOS plays a crucial role in helping women to deepen their faith, cultivate meaningful connections, and navigate the complexities of their lives. It offers a platform for women to explore the GOOD, PERFECT and ACCEPTABLE will of God for their lives.


The primary goal of “It Takes Two” Couples Ministry is to provide support, guidance, and resources to help couples build and maintain healthy, thriving, and spiritually grounded relationships.

The topics covered in couples ministry can range from communication and conflict resolution to intimacy, shared values, and maintaining a strong spiritual foundation within the relationship.

The purpose of the couples ministry is to create a safe and welcoming space where couples can come together to strengthen their bonds, deepen their emotional connection, and grow in their faith as a unit.

It provides couples with tools and strategies to navigate difficulties, enhance their understanding of one another, and foster a supportive and loving partnership, it strives to equip couples with the skills and insights needed to navigate the complexities of married life in a way that is fulfilling and aligned with their shared beliefs and values.


The 318 Leadership Engine is a structured program designed to develop and enhance leadership skills and qualities in individuals.

The Engine offers an educational institution and training organization for professional and personal development.

The goal of the 318 Leadership Engine is to provide participants with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to effectively take dominion, lead and manage organizations, or projects in the 7 mountains you’ve been called to.


The Kingdom Academy is an educational institution or program that is rooted in Christian or faith-based principles and values, with the aim of providing a holistic education that integrates spiritual, moral, and academic development.

The Academy offers various levels of education and encompasses a wide range of subjects and disciplines.

The distinguishing feature of Kingdom Academy is its emphasis on creating an environment where students not only receive academic instruction but also have the opportunity to grow spiritually, develop character, and cultivate a strong sense of purpose and service.